Saturday, 17 October 2009

How Does ?Medical Billing? Fit Into The ?Work At Home Scams??

How Does ?Medical Billing? Fit Into The ?Work At Home Scams??

Author: Tammy Harlan

Yes, you can work from home in medical billing, just not typically as an "employee."

Nearly 600,000 Americans lost their jobs in January 2009, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, and 2-3 million more jobs are projected to be lost over the coming year. Sadly, because of this, "work from home opportunity scams" are on the rise. These scams prey on people's vulnerabilities and fears and with so many people out of work, wondering what they are going to do next to sustain themselves financially, there's a lot of vulnerability and there is a lot of fear out there.

Over the past couple of months, many television programs and news shows, such as 20/20 and Dr. Phil, have devoted air time to exposing scams and telling stories about individuals who have fallen victim to these scams. These television programs understand that this is a hot topic in high demand, more so now than ever before. Just like bacteria, germs and disease, given the right temperature (the state of our economy) and set of circumstances (vulnerability and fear), the scams are growing and multiplying.

There is a complexity to this issue though. Just as there is usually a bit of truth in every lie, the scams are allowed to flourish because, the truth is, small businesses/home-based businesses have been on the rise for quite some time and account for more than 50% of new job creation!

According to the United States Department of Labor:

"With more than one million new businesses each year, America's economy depends on small businesses for its vitality and growth. According to the 1997 report of the U.S. Census Bureau, the nation's 17 million small, non-farm businesses constituted 99.7 per cent of all employers, employed 52 percent of private workforce and accounted for 51 percent of the nation's sales. Small business-dominated industries provided 11.1 million new jobs between 1994 and 1998, virtually all of the new jobs created during that time period."

The scams operate based on this "truth" - which accounts for all the confusion as to what and who are scams and what and who are legitimate opportunities.

Medical Billing: Employment from Home Isn't the Opportunity

I have been in the medical billing industry for over 20 years. I am the President/CEO and founder of an online medical billing course program. Not a week goes by that I don't receive a call from someone asking "how they can find a job in medical billing which will allow them to work from home." The caller is surprised and sometimes defiant when I tell them that such an opportunity does not exist.

Is there opportunity in medical billing? YES. But not in the capacity that most people have been led to believe! Let's uncover the lies and the truths about the opportunity that actually does exist in medical billing.

Medical Billing Opportunity: Employment from Home - DECEPTION/LIE

So why is it that so many people believe that they can obtain employment in medical billing working from home? The answer is simple. Over the past decade or so, there have been scam companies placing advertisements in the "help-wanted" sections of small, home-town type newspapers. Here is an actual ad from a company called Medicor who was sued and shut down by the FTC:

"EARN $$$ HELPING DOCTORS process claims from home. $20 - $40/ hour potential. Computer & modem required. We train. (888) 736-XXXX Ext. 895."

Upon calling the number in this ad, the caller was told that they could make an excellent income from the comfort of their own home "processing insurance claims for doctors." All they needed to do was purchase the medical billing software (cost: $325 - $495). Upon purchase, the caller was sent a medical billing software program that didn't even work, but that didn't matter, because they would never have the opportunity to use it.

The Truth: Doctors do not hire medical billing staff and then allow them to work from home. When a doctor hires someone to fill their medical billing position, this person is expected to show up for work just like all the other employees.

You can read full Medicore story on the Consumer Affairs website at: For more information about companies that were shut down, you can visit the Medical Billing Scamwatch Forum by going to:

Medical Billing Opportunity: Employment within a Doctor's Office or Billing Company - VALID/TRUTH

The medical field is booming. Demand for medical billers is high. As the baby boomers reach retirement, the medical field is growing and expanding to accommodate this generation. Medical billing is just one of the many jobs in the medical field that has great job potential and growth. But notice the word JOB. A job = employment. A job/employment in medical billing requires you to show up for work in return for an employee paycheck. It should not be confused with "medical billing business ownership" which does not consist of exchanging hours for a paycheck from your employer.

The opportunity to gain a position in medical billing working within a doctor's office or working for a medical billing company does exist. It is viable and it is valid. How much money can a medical billing employee expect to make? You can find this information in the article entitled "Medical Billing & the Economy" at

Medical Billing Opportunity: Home/Small Based Business Ownership - VALID/TRUTH

I personally have 13 years experience in owning/operating a medical billing business which I started from home. I began my business in order to be able to stay at home with my children. I eventually grew my business to a point that I felt it necessary to move it to a commercial office space (when the children were older). I take it personally and oftentimes get very frustrated when this medical billing opportunity is misrepresented as an "employment from home" opportunity. It is not!

When you begin a business in medical billing - or in anything - you are not "employed" by anyone. You are "Self-Employed." You do not collect an employee paycheck from anyone. You collect money from clients that you provide services to.

Beginning a business in medical billing - or any other industry, for that matter - requires a realistic investment! In a medical billing business, you are providing professional services to professional individuals. In order to succeed, you must realize that a realistic, professional investment is not an "option"... it is a must. Your investment needs to be proportionate to your expected return.

Another type of call that I get quite often is "I want to start a medical billing business from home but I don't have any money." Guess what? You can want all day and all night long, but without the capital that is required in order to begin a medical billing business - it's not going to happen. Let's say you want to open up a Blimpie franchise. How do you think Blimpie is going to respond when you call them and say, "Hi Blimpie, I'd like to open a Blimpie franchise, but I don't have any money." They might respond, "Call us back when you do."

How much money can be made in a medical billing business? This varies. I get this question quite a bit and my standard response is, "I know a wife/mother who handles 2 doctor clients putting in about 3-5 hours per week in order to supplement her husband's primary income and stay at home with her kids who is bringing in approximately $1500 - $2000 per month. I also know a multi-million dollar per year medical billing company. And I know so many in between."


Medical billing "employment from home" is not a viable, existing opportunity. Gainful employment working in a medical billing position within a doctor's office or medical billing company is a real/valid opportunity. Beginning a home/small business in medical billing is also a real/valid opportunity, if and only if, you understand the investment of time, money and research that is involved.

About the Author:

Tammy Harlan has been in the Medical Billing arena for approximately 20 years. Tammy provides an online, home-study course in medical billing at

Tammy also provides resources, information and an all-inclusive, medical billing business package at

Article Source: - How Does ?Medical Billing? Fit Into The ?Work At Home Scams??

1 comment:

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